Sunhous Review is now open for submissions. We invite submissions of fiction, poetry, drama, and narrative nonfiction in traditional and experimental styles:
FICTION: Short stories in traditional and experimental styles (1,000 to 8,000 words, one piece at a time).
POETRY: Poems in traditional and experimental styles (up to 3 poems at a time).
DRAMA: Short plays in traditional and experimental styles (generally not exceeding 20 pages).
NONFICTION: Creative nonfiction in traditional and experimental styles (generally not exceeding 10,000 words, one piece at a time).
Sunhous Review is a literary journal devoted to contemporary literary art, publishing fiction, poetry, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. Founded in 2024, the journal has a close relationship with Borrego Art Institute.
The editor encourages new and emerging writers, while continuing to publish award-winning and established writers.
To submit, email submissions to the editor at [email protected]. Send your work as a .docx or .pdf attachment, or copy/paste it into the body of the email.
Format: Please use a standard font. We will not be able to accommodate specialized formatting.
We do not want AI content.
Please include the following contact information in your cover letter and/or on your manuscript: mailing address, phone number, email address, and a short third-person biographical statement with your name (or pen name) as you would like it to appear in the issue. For your biography a few lines will do.
Submissions are free. We do not charge for submissions, and unfortunately cannot pay contributors at this time. Our issues are free for anyone to read, download, or share.
Rights: We want to be the first publication of your work, but the rights to your work are always yours. Your work is your own. If your work is published elsewhere after publication here, we ask that you include an acknowledgment to us.
We look forward to reading your work.
Questions? Contact us here.